Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Michigan
Adam Lepley is a clinical assistant professor of Applied Exercise Science, Athletic Training, and Movement Science at the University of Michigan School of Kinesiology. Additionally, Dr. Lepley serves as the clinical education coordinator for the Athletic Training program and director of the Michigan Performance Research Laboratory (MiPR) within the Exercise & Sport Science Initiative. Adam is a certified and licensed athletic trainer, with a research agenda aimed at improving long-term health outcomes following acute musculoskeletal injury.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Interprofessional education has been focused on student education and competency development to foster effective patient-centered communication between health professionals. However, explicitly including the patient’s and caregiver’s voice as members of the IPE team should be a core component of further IPE learning and competency development. Evidence demonstrates a correlation between effective health professional-patient communication and improved patient health outcomes (Riedl & Schüßler, 2017), suggesting that optimal care can be provided by including the patient, and caregiver (when…