Simulation Coordinator, Senior Director of In Situ Simulation
University of Alabama at Birmingham Clinical Simulation
April Belle is a Simulation Coordinator, Senior and The Director of In Situ Simulation for the Office of Interprofessional Simulation for Innovative Clinical Practice at UAB in Birmingham, Alabama. She is one of the simulation coordinators that services all hospital and clinic departments in the UAB Health System. She has been a Registered Nurse since 2004 and has experience in critical care, cardiac intensive care and on UAB’s Medical Emergency Team (MET). She completed the Doctor of Nursing Practice program at the UAB School of Nursing.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
BackgroundProviding resuscitation for cardiac arrest patients in the setting of a global pandemic is challenging and requires those responding to balance the immediate needs of the patient with their own safety. The aim of this collaborative was to identify best practices given the information available at the time, develop a safe process for providing resuscitative care for suspected/confirmed COVID-19 patients, test the process using immersive simulation, and disseminate information at a systems level. The University of Alabama at Birmingham Clinical Simulation team assumed primary…