Associate Dean for Clinical and Professional Affairs
Texas A&M University Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy
My passion has been to contribute to the health care system and patient wellbeing by introducing clinical pharmacy to ambulatory care settings. My background and work experience in ambulatory care and community pharmacy have allowed me to advance the role of the pharmacist to execute disease management protocols and develop strong relationships with patients and providers. As an administrator, my role has been to identify rich settings for clinical research, negotiating with stakeholders to support pharmacy services, developing patient management agreements, developing MOUs, seeking grant opportunities, and working with faculty on publishing research that advances pharmacy in healthcare. My interest in interprofessional education stems from my clinical background and desire to expand interprofessional practice. Student exposure to interprofessional opportunities develops a sense of collaboration in health care.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Texas A&M Health’s Disaster Day is the nation’s largest student-led interprofessional emergency response simulation. Since 2008, the annual event has grown to 800 students in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health, psychology, athletic training, veterinary medicine, and the Corp of Cadets. Traditionally conducted at a world-class training facility for emergency responders, interprofessional student teams work to rescue survivors, manage communications/logistics, solve public health cases using patient-level clues, and diagnose/treat standardized patients. The goal is to produce…
BackgroundData conf that high functioning, interprofessional teams improve health outcomes (Interprofessional Education Collaborative, 2016). However, academic health institutions traditionally provide education uniprofessionally where students from a single profession learn together in parallel or interactively (Freeth, et al 2008). Therefore, academic health institutions must provide an interprofessional education (IPE). However, executing interprofessional learning experiences across colleges with differing curricula, accreditation requirements, and academic calendars remains a challenge.…