Medical Student
The Medical College of Wisconsin
Chase is a 3rd-year medical student at the Medical College of Wisconsin. His prior career as a teacher is the spark for his interest in medical education and educational research. He is passionate about curricular design and bringing together faculty, staff, and students to optimize the learning process and environment.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic was a disruption that forced adaptation and innovation in interprofessional education. Conducting IPE virtually required additional planning and thought on ways to facilitate student interaction. The pandemic also impacted students’ individual experiences with health and healthcare, which needed to be shared and leveraged through IPE. As such, we developed a 2-hour IPE session which included students from medicine, nursing, and public health. Student groups were tasked with designing a COVID-19 vaccine clinic, focusing on the roles and responsibilities needed…
As interprofessional education shifted to virtual platforms this past year, challenges of engaging students and encouraging cross-role collaboration arose. Student input was sought out to guide the development of an activity that would serve as the cumulation of a four-session interprofessional education core thread. Adapting a model of faculty and student curriculum co-design, we created a timely problem-based learning activity that was relevant to all health professions: students would be tasked with creating a COVID-19 vaccination clinic proposal.
Small groups of medical, nursing,…