Associate Professor
University of Texas Health San Antonio
Cristina Grijalva is an Associate Professor at UT Health Long School of Medicine and works clinically in the University Hospital ER since 2009. Over her years in emergency medicine, she has seen many potential moments of interprofessional cooperation that were lost or instead conflict was born from the lack of appropriate training on how to communicate or understand each other’s professions, giving a unique perspective helpful in designing IPE activities. As Co-director for the Clinical Skills Module, she has redesigned the Clinical Skill’s curriculum and created learning activities based on student surveys, current research on adult learners, and module objectives.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Effective interprofessional education (IPE) is an opportunity to connect education to new models of healthcare. Increasing the scope of practice of medicine/dentistry, while increasing interactions, are proposed strategies to improve patients’ access and quality of care. In this Lightning Talk, we will describe the longitudinal expansion of preclinical IPE spanning the classroom/clinical learning environment in the clinical skills course and discuss the results from the first year of this expansion. The longitudinal activity courses two years in the medical/dental schools’ curriculum. In year…