Professor of Biostatistics
LSUHSC at New Orleans
Dr. Mercante completed his PhD in Statistics from Virginia Tech in 1990 and is currently Professor of Biostatistics, Genetics, and Nursing at LSU Health Sciences Center. He is also the Leader of the Biostatistics and Epidemiology Core at LSUHSC for the Louisiana Clinical & Translational Science Center (LA CaTS), and Core PI for the Data Management and Statistics Core for the NIEHS funded LSU Superfund Center Grant. Dr. Mercante served as Program Director for the Biostatistics Program from 2006-2013 and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for the LSUHSC School of Public Health from 2013-2018.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
A commonly used method to measure IPE learning outcomes is through the use of validated IPE perception or attitudinal questionnaires. Perception change can be measured using a retrospective pre-/post-test design (RPP). A RPP survey is administered at a single point after the intervention, and asks participants to reflect on a timepoint before the experience, thus keeping the frame of reference constant, eliminating response shift bias (Howard, 1980).
Faculty at a U.S. based academic health sciences center used the RPP design to measure student perceptions using the Student Perceptions of…