Program Manager & Community Engagement Specialist
Student Health Outreach for Wellness (SHOW) Community Initiative
Kaitlyn Felix, MS is the Program Manager and Community Engagement Specialist for the Student Health Outreach for Wellness (SHOW), an interprofessional community initiative (www.showaz.org). In SHOW, students, providers, and community stakeholders collaboratively engage to provide care to vulnerable populations. For over 7 years, Kaitlyn has worked in healthcare as a Certified Nursing Assistant in settings, such as geriatrics, neuro/trauma, pediatrics, dementia/memory care, and hospice. She has also been involved in a variety of research, including Alzheimer’s dementia, ketamine infusion treatment, and the human trafficking field. Working in healthcare and volunteering in the community has continually reassured and propelled her passion to continue her education in medicine, as an aspiring physician.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Background: Interprofessional (IP) champions of SHOW, a student-run community initiative, created the Interprofessional Education & Community Health course (the first in a three course series) for early learners to begin IP practice through the design and delivery of team-based health promotion activities, in collaboration with vulnerable populations and community partners.
Methods: Students teams, composed of undergraduates from various degree programs and academic levels, were divided into small teams and assigned to a community organization that serves vulnerable populations to create…
Background: Interprofessional (IP) champions of SHOW designed a experiential-learning course (the second in a three course series) in collaboration with a local hospital’s emergency department (ED) to support student and client led interventions aimed at addressing social determinants of health (SDoH) with high utilizers. Student teams collaborate with clients to provide better care for complex health and social needs.1 As students build on IP team competencies, the teams meet with clients where “they are at” using tools/techniques to identify and address the client’s self-identification of…
The Student Health Outreach for Wellness (SHOW) tri-university initiative was formed in 2013 as a student-led volunteer program to deliver interprofessional (IP), team-based care to community-based vulnerable populations. Since its inception, SHOW attracted graduate and undergraduate students - numbering over 200 per year - from over 10 academic disciplines. However, this magnitude of students overwhelmed the initiative's philanthropic supported operations, prompting needed change for sustainability. Under these pressures, SHOW turned to the Guidance on Developing Quality Interprofessional…