Kari Brisolara, ScD, MSPH, QEP
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Ass. Prof. of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
LSUHSC at New Orleans
Dr. Kari Fitzmorris Brisolara is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and an Associate Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at the LSU Health Sciences Center, School of Public Health in New Orleans, Louisiana. She received her MSPH and ScD degrees in Environmental Health Sciences from Tulane University. Her post-doctoral appointment was with the U.S. Department of Agriculture where she focused on the development of activated carbon from agricultural residuals. In addition to research and continuing education programs, she also served as the Faculty Liaison for Public Health for the LSUHSC Center for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (2015-2020).

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

A commonly used method to measure IPE learning outcomes is through the use of validated IPE perception or attitudinal questionnaires. Perception change can be measured using a retrospective pre-/post-test design (RPP). A RPP survey is administered at a single point after the intervention, and asks participants to reflect on a timepoint before the experience, thus keeping the frame of reference constant, eliminating response shift bias (Howard, 1980). Faculty at a U.S. based academic health sciences center used the RPP design to measure student perceptions using the Student Perceptions of…