Creighton University
Dr. Wilson is Provost and chief academic officer, Creighton University. She served as professor and dean of the Edward and Margaret Doisy College of Health Sciences at Saint Louis University. Dr. Wilson spent 17 years at Illinois State University, where she was professor and associate and then assistant vice president for Academic Fiscal Management in Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. She earned her undergraduate degree in human resources and family studies dietetics from University of Illinois and master’s degree from Eastern Illinois University. She received her EdD in curriculum and instruction from Illinois State University.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Describe effective strategies and key challenges for engaging senior leaders in interprofessional practice and education (IPE) as a priority organizational change initiative.
Personally apply specific knowledge and skills to address these challenges, enabling successful development, integration, deployment and sustainability of IPE strategic initiatives.
Engaging senior leaders is critical for successful IPE. But attracting and holding their attention requires intentional, streamlined, focused communication, and political savvy. Using issue selling as a framework, two experienced…