Maritza Gomez
Program Manager, Community Engagement
Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers

Maritza Gomez is the Program Coordinator for Community Engagement. In her role, she coordinates the Coalition’s Faith in Prevention program which provides educational opportunities for faith-based organizations in Camden to incorporate nutrition and exercise into spiritual well being. Maritza also serves as a support staff person in the Coalition’s community engagement efforts, specifically providing COACH model training throughout the city. She is passionate about serving as a liaison and advocate for the Spanish speaking community in Camden. Currently, Maritza attends Camden County College earning a degree in nursing.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Facilitator:  Shelley Cohen Konrad, PhD, LCSW, FNAP Director, Center for Excellence in Collaborative Education, University of New England   How do we, as members of the healthcare community, focus on what matters most to those we serve? The individuals, families, communities and populations we serve often posit that it begins with including them in designing how care and learning are delivered so their interests, beliefs and priorities can be reflected. In this plenary, dyads of health professionals and expert patients from three ground-breaking programs will share real-world…