Mary Kiersma, PharmD, PhD
Associate Director of Professional Degree Program Accreditation
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education

Dr. Kiersma’s roles include engaging professional degree program stakeholders, leading site visits, designing and conducting research, and speaking about ACPE activities at training sessions and professional meetings. Prior to joining ACPE, Dr. Kiersma was the Director of Assessment and Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Manchester University College of Pharmacy in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Dr. Kiersma received her PharmD from Purdue University. After working as a community pharmacist, she returned to Purdue to pursue MS and PhD degrees, with a focus on evaluation and assessment in pharmacy education.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

The Health Professions Accreditors Collaborative (HPAC), established in 2014, has 25 health professions accreditor members working together to advance interprofessional collaboration. In December 2020, recognizing their important role, HPAC members convened virtually to learn together about the role of accreditation in addressing contemporary issues about diversity, health equity, health disparities, race and inclusion. With permission, the agenda included related video presentations related to the title from the 2020 Nexus Summit. Breakout sessions and group discussion revealed substantial…