Nyamuon Nguany Machar (Moon)
Spoken Word Poet, Advocate

Nyamuon Nguany Machar (Moon) is a spoken word poet and an advocate for disproportionate and minority youth in the mental health field. Moon emigrated to the United States from South Sudan as a child and uses her and her family’s experience and trauma to educate and enlighten providers, consumers, policymakers, and community members about the importance of inclusion, as they serve increasingly diverse communities. Having emerged as a public speaker, she has collaborated with renowned educational institutions, such as Harvard University, Bates College, and Georgetown University, to provide talks and workshops for students who will be tomorrow’s service professionals. She is also involved in Maine’s South Sudanese community providing mentoring to young immigrant professionals, advocates, and aspiring change-makers, seeking to instill in them the value in potently representing their communities’ respective identities in whatever fields they enter.  As a spoken word poet, Moon works to motivate others to find strength in their voices through creative means. She uses her own struggle and represents it in her artistry in order to help break down the stigmas that stunt voices.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Facilitator:  Shelley Cohen Konrad, PhD, LCSW, FNAP Director, Center for Excellence in Collaborative Education, University of New England   How do we, as members of the healthcare community, focus on what matters most to those we serve? The individuals, families, communities and populations we serve often posit that it begins with including them in designing how care and learning are delivered so their interests, beliefs and priorities can be reflected. In this plenary, dyads of health professionals and expert patients from three ground-breaking programs will share real-world…