Director, HEAL and Master of Sceince in Narrative Medicine Programs
Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
An associate professor of Medical Education, Family Medicine, and Pediatrics, Pamela Schaff, MD, PhD, is the director of Keck School of Medicine’s HEAL (Humanities, Ethics, Art, and Law) Program, as well as the new Master of Science in Narrative Medicine program at USC. Previously, Dr. Schaff directed the Introduction to Clinical Medicine course, and served as the associate dean for curriculum at Keck School of Medicine. She maintains her clinical pediatric practice in the Department of Family Medicine.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Pamela Schaff, MD, PhD and patient advocate, Ted Meyer, discuss why they bring art and humanities into medical education.
The HEAL (Humanities, Ethics, Art, and Law) Program at Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, prepares students to care for patients as complete human beings, not as injuries or illnesses. The longitudinal course builds skills essential to the effective and compassionate care of patients and communities—skills of perspective taking, critical reflection, narrative humility, and ethical decision-making. The curricular content provides students with the…