Rachel Marie Salas, MD, MEd, FAAN, FANA
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Dr. Rachel Salas is a Professor in the Department of Neurology at Johns Hopkins Medicine with a joint appointment in the School of Nursing. She is board certified in Sleep Medicine and Neurology. Dr. Salas has been the Director of the Neurology Clerkship for over a decade. She is the Director of the Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice for the School of Medicine and a Co-Director for Interprofessional Teaming for the High Value Practice Academic Alliance. Dr. Salas is a certified strengths coach and uses a strength-based approach and coaching to connect to, support, and develop those involved with her educational mission and clinical practice.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Introduction: Team coordination problems continue to be an important source of errors, inefficiencies, conflict and other adverse events in health care. Structured Interprofessional Bedside Rounds (SIBR) provide a consistent method for patients, families, and clinicians from different disciplines to collaborate in daily discussions of care and clinical decision-making. Here we explore baseline levels of Relational Coordination (RC) present within and between interprofessional (IP) members prior SIBR implementation and we hypothesize that SIBR will enhance communication, teamwork, and…