Professor and Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Nursing
Texas A&M University College of Nursing
Dr. Sharon Dormire is a professor of nursing at Texas A&M University. She is an expert with over 45 years of practice and teaching in maternal-newborn nursing. She is passionate about addressing disparities in pregnancy outcomes for Black women. In a recent qualitative study, pregnant and parenting Black women identified differential treatment as mothers, marginalization by healthcare providers, and alarmingly, fear of sons being killed, as main stressors. Ongoing work will address this health disparity by listening to their voices. Dr. Dormire’s passion for teaching excellence in practice to the next generation of nurses through interprofessional education defines her.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
BackgroundData conf that high functioning, interprofessional teams improve health outcomes (Interprofessional Education Collaborative, 2016). However, academic health institutions traditionally provide education uniprofessionally where students from a single profession learn together in parallel or interactively (Freeth, et al 2008). Therefore, academic health institutions must provide an interprofessional education (IPE). However, executing interprofessional learning experiences across colleges with differing curricula, accreditation requirements, and academic calendars remains a challenge.…