Teresa Tomm
Occupational Therapy Student
The Ohio State University
Teresa Tomm is a second-year occupational therapy student at The Ohio State University. She currently serves on the Student Occupational Therapy Association executive board and is a member of the profession’s honor society, Phi Theta Epsilon. Her passion for interprofessional team work and community involvement fueled her participation in this project and will continue to motivate her in her future practice.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Thirty students at The Ohio State University were asked to participate in the first-ever Interprofessional Community Scholars program and partner with the Partners Achieving Community Transformation (PACT) organization in Columbus’ Near East Side, the OSU Wexner Medical Center, and OSU Family and Community Medicine residents to work with Community Health Mentors to assess health needs, improve digital literacy, and enable access to important community care and services in a low socioeconomic area. The students were split into teams of five and paired with one community mentor, who is a leader…