
Online, Virtual, Simulation and Technology Facilitated Interprofessional Learning

Online, virtual, simulation and technology facilitated interprofessional learning are increasingly being used in interprofessional education to transcend time and space and other well-known barriers of interprofessional work. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use and research of teaching and learning strategies for achieving interprofessional competence among health professions students and professionals. The Online, Virtual, Simulation and Technology Facilitated Interprofessional Learning Track includes 5 lightning talks, 3 seminars, 25 professional posters and 5 interprofessional student posters representing IPE that is asynchronous, synchronous, scalable, novel, and interactive.


Learning Objectives:

By participating in the Online, Virtual, Simulation and Technology Facilitated Interprofessional Learning Track, you will be able to:

  1. Describe online, virtual, simulation and technology facilitated interprofessional learning that is being used in delivering IPE;
  2. Identify innovative teaching and learning strategies that leverage technology use for synchronous and asynchronous IPE;
  3. Identify how online, virtual, simulation, and technology facilitated IPE programs have been assessed;
  4. Discuss how online, virtual, simulation and technology facilitated interprofessional learning can be used for remote IPE to achieve IPEC competencies.


Reflective Questions:

  1. What models of IPE could be implemented to achieve IPEC competencies at your institution? What ideas do you have to enhance these models to advance the science of IP teaching and learning?
  2. How have online, virtual, simulation, and technology teaching strategies facilitated the advancement of interprofessional learning?
  3. How are we better preparing the modern learner for future practice as we embrace the current necessity and advancement of technology-facilitated IPE?