
Big Picture/Local View: An Accessible Toolkit for Informatics-Informed Program Design and Evaluation

Thursday, October 7, 2021, 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm CDT

The principles of interprofessional practice and education, with a focus on teams and patient-centered care, have become a mainstay of many funding opportunities that focus on practice transformation, new models of care and preparing the future work health workforce.  Yet, many programs do not have practical experience designing interprofessional learning experiences around these principles nor an informatics infrastructure to assess its outcomes.

Organizations seeking to implement interprofessional practice and education transformation to achieve outcomes that matter most to people have been challenged to collect and synthesize data that provides meaningful insight into the effectiveness of programs while also being realistic to collect and analyze. This has frequently been even more challenging when educators and practitioners seek to work in the Nexus, transforming practice and education together to achieve outcomes that matter most to people.

The National Center has designed an accessible toolkit that allows programs to easily step into a big data enabled system designed to make your data work for you. The National Center toolkit utilizes an approach similar to a meta-analysis, using common measures across programs to identify themes and trends, while also creating actionable reports with local data to advance specific program outcomes.

In this seminar, members of the National Center’s Knowledge Generation team will describe the elements of the toolkit designed to support local programs in designing and evaluating interprofessional practice and education programs in the Nexus, the types of data and information that can be collected and how that actionable data can be used to assess new programs.

Following this session, individuals will be able to describe how they, as stakeholders in health, can design their interprofessional practice and education programs in a way that allows them to have information about what matters most to them.