Charlotte Connerton, EdD, RN, CNE
Assistant Professor
University of Southern Indiana
Dr. Charlotte Connerton is an assistant professor of nursing at the University of Southern Indiana. Dr. Connerton has 32 years nursing experience, with 21 years teaching experience in all levels of nursing education. Dr. Connerton holds a Doctor of Education in ethical leadership, a Master of Science in Nursing focusing on community health, and is a certified nurse educator. Dr. Connerton serves her community by sharing her profession through offerings of health promotion. Dr. Connerton and Dr. Theuri were recipients of the College of Nursing and Health Professions Faculty Development Award.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Wellness coaching is a rapidly growing industry that is becoming more recognized in the health professions. Patients are increasingly interested in a holistic approach to care; wellness coaching meets those expectations by delivering care through a comprehensive approach that encompasses physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, and environmental considerations. Although health and wellness promotion are important topics in the health professions, professional certification in coaching is relatively new. Additionally, there is a gap in the literature regarding interprofessional coaching…
The faculty, staff, and health profession students conducted an interprofessional wellness fair aiming to promote health and provide opportunities for interprofessional collaboration. The disciplines of nursing, nutrition, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, and kinesiology practiced the competencies of the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) and TeamSTEPPS® through training and implementation at the interprofessional wellness fair. The interprofessional team of faculty and students collaboratively designed a wellness fair to address chronic disease prevention and…