Claire Washabaugh
Duke University School of Medicine
Claire Washabaugh is a second year medical student at Duke University. She graduated from Penn State University in 2019 with a BS in Biomedical Engineering. She has interests in pediatrics, adverse childhood experiences, narrative medicine, and communication, is the co-president of Duke's Pediatrics Interest Group and VP of Membership & Recruitment for Duke Palliative Care Navigators Program, and is involved in Duke Hotspotting, Duke Camp Kesem's Advisory Board, and Duke Medical School's Narrative Medicine elective & Cancer Care elective. Currently, Claire serves as one of four medical students on the Duke Interprofessional Education & Care Center's inaugural Student Advisory Committee.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

In fall of 2020, the Duke University IPE Center created the inaugural Student Advisory Committee (SAC). Based on a needs assessment showing that students were lacking traditional social interaction and typical interprofessional exposure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the SAC social events subcommittee planned an event for students to interact in a safe and engaging environment: ‘IPEC Trivia Night.’The event was hosted via Zoom for one hour on a weekday evening. Prior to the event, incoming and current students of Duke’s MD, DPT, DNP, OTD, Ph.D, ASBN, and MSN programs were emailed information…