Professor Emeritus
Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Elizabeth (Ibby) Tanner is Professor Emeritus at the Johns Hopkins University with joint appointments in the Schools of Nursing and Medicine, Division of Geriatrics and Gerontology. She led the development and co-directed Interprofessional Education (IPE) and Collaborative Practice. She led development of IPE at JHU for nursing, medical, pharmacy, public health and health care management learners. As PI of a $1.7 million 5-year grant, she developed online IPE simulations for interprofessional learners during COVID and was Co-Investigator of an NIH funded Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Research (RCMAR), an interprofessional research center.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for the development of clinical learning experiences using online virtual formats. This talk will describe 10 interprofessional videos that were developed with a focus on specific core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice and specific clinical scenarios to be used in clinical learning settings. We will address the theme "Innovations in Interprofessional Learning: Practice and Education", with a focus on the subtheme "Online Virtual Simulation and Technology Facilitated Interprofessional Learning".
Introduction: Team coordination problems continue to be an important source of errors, inefficiencies, conflict and other adverse events in health care. Structured Interprofessional Bedside Rounds (SIBR) provide a consistent method for patients, families, and clinicians from different disciplines to collaborate in daily discussions of care and clinical decision-making. Here we explore baseline levels of Relational Coordination (RC) present within and between interprofessional (IP) members prior SIBR implementation and we hypothesize that SIBR will enhance communication, teamwork, and…