Assistant Provost and Director of the Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Meg Zomorodi PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN is Assistant Provost for Interprofessional Education and Practice at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She received her BSN and PhD from the UNC-CH School of Nursing. In 2014 she was selected as a Josiah Macy Faculty Scholar and is currently serving on the IPEC Expert Panel “Leveraging the IPEC Competency Framework to Transform Health Professions Education.” She leads the Rural Interprofessional Health Initiative (RIPHI) and the Carolina Covid Student Services Corps, with both programs partnering IP students with communities to focus on service and quality improvement. She is a new member of the AIHC advisory board.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Communication challenges including microaggressions occur frequently in healthcare among team members and even from patients. These events impact not only the targeted individual but also the team and may affect the quality and safety of patient care. Bystanders who witness these incidences are often uncertain how to respond. The purpose of this lightning talk is to discuss the design, implementation, and evaluation of an interprofessional activity designed to engage interprofessional students in a series of scenarios focused on microaggressions and communication conflict resolution, with…
This session focuses on an ongoing effort to proactively embed sustainable interprofessional telehealth education opportunities into existing health professions' curricula. The use of telehealth – the delivery of health care services using electronic audiovisual technology – has grown significantly, particularly since the Covid-19 pandemic required changes in healthcare delivery. Telehealth was used as a coping strategy during the pandemic; however, it offers the potential for high-quality, sustainable care. As team-based care has been shown to support the Quadruple Aim, team-based telehealth…
This lightening talk will highlight the best ways a community and academic institution can come together to address a health need. In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic halted all health professional clinical experiences, a service learning elective opportunity was created for UNC-Chapel Hill medical students to support front line personnel. As needs across North Carolina grew, student leaders from the School of Medicine partnered with the Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice to form The Carolina COVID-19 Student Service Corps (CSSC). Adapted from the Columbia University’s COVID-…
The purpose of this lightning talk is to discuss the need for academic-practice partnerships that support the education, training, and development of students, faculty, and healthcare workers in interprofessional education and practice (IPEP) opportunities. Presenters will discuss the collaborative vision among Area Health Education Centers (AHEC), the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC), and the National Association for Interprofessional Health Mentorship, Education, and Service (NAIHMES), describing the value in forming a nationwide partnership among students, faculty,…
Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic drastically expanded reliance on virtual care in clinical practice, as it offers increased flexibility and expanded access to care, particularly for patients with complex medical needs who are disproportionately impacted by non-medical drivers of health. Hotspotting programs partner health professions students with patients identified as “high utilizers” of health care resources in order to address social barriers to health, improve access to primary care, and reduce patient emergency department overutilization. Telehealth offers a solution to common social…
Embedded within UNC’s Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice, Relational Leadership at Carolina is an interprofessional, cross-generational learning community focused on building skills to support “an inclusive mindset and community” to thrive through authentic connection. Relational Leadership at Carolina was founded in 2018 and launched its first pilot program in Spring 2019. Participants are introduced to the skills of Relational Leadership through the Relational Leadership Institute (RLI), a multi-day program focused on Psychological Safety, Narrative Leadership, Identity,…
The COVID-19 pandemic led health systems to increasingly rely on telehealth for patient care. Despite rapidly changing clinical and regulatory environments, most healthcare providers and students were not equipped with formal training in telehealth-specific skills. With support from the American Medical Association, we convened an interprofessional team of clinicians and student leaders from UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke to develop a virtual interprofessional telehealth curriculum. The curriculum consisted of five, 90-minute, online interactive course sessions, including an introduction to…
Background: Collaborative Online Learning (COL) has been designated by the Health Professions Accreditors Collaborative as an interprofessional learning modality that utilizes information and communication technology to facilitate collaboration between students from different health programs or with practitioners that represent different professions. Innovative approaches to COL have been investigated to address logistical challenges that limit the implementation of interprofessional education. Using a combination of an unfolding case study and virtual reality simulation may solve these…