Assistant Dean of Interprofessional Education; Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Campbell University
Name: K. Paige D. Brown, PharmD
Title: Assistant Dean of Interprofessional Education
Paige D. Brown, PharmD, is the Assistant Dean of Interprofessional Education and a Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. Paige serves as an advisor for Phi Delta Chi, CPFI, and the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists (NCAP) student association. Some of her research interests include interprofessional education, mentoring, and experiential education. Paige is an active member of NCAP, AACP, AIHC, and the NC IPE Leaders Collaborative (NCIPELC), and holds leadership positions in NCAP and NCIPELC.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP/IPP) is a concept that is not always present in clinical practice today. Moreover, it is sometimes seen as an intangible concept for faculty members whose training did not include any interprofessional education (IPE). The Campbell University Office of IPE (CUIPE) believes the education of faculty and current practitioners to be integral to optimizing the learning experience for current students: as IPE is gradually added into general health sciences courses and IPCP is incorporated into current clinical practice, the concepts introduced and…
Title: Student Involvement with IPE (SWIPE): A Model for Enhancing Student Contributions to the Development of IPE Programming
Authors: Katlyn Clark, BS, Marisa Vaskalis, BS, and K. Paige D. Brown, PharmD
Institution: Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Buies Creek NC
Objective: Practice-based interprofessional education (IPE) provides healthcare students the opportunity to experience live patient interaction while teaching core components of community involvement. This collaborative process is essential in preparing students to work within the healthcare team.…